Air Coolers (India): How to choose the right one for your home?

Air Cooler India - How to choose
March 17, 2024
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When the sweltering heat of Indian summers becomes unbearable, an air cooler stands out as a cost-effective and efficient solution to beat the heat.

However, with the plethora of options available in the market, choosing the right air cooler can be a daunting task.

Air Cooler India - How to choose
Air Coolers in India – How to choose

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential factors to consider when selecting an air cooler for your home, ensuring comfort during those hot summer days.

Table of Contents

Understand Your Needs

Room Size

The first step in choosing the right air cooler is to consider the size of the room where it will be used. Air coolers are rated by their air delivery or airflow, typically measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM).

A simple formula to calculate the required CFM for your room is to multiply the room’s square footage by the ceiling height (in feet), and then divide by 2.

For example, a 12×12 room with an 8-foot ceiling would require an air cooler with a CFM rating of approximately 1152.

Room Size Considerations

Choosing the right air cooler starts with the size of the room it will cool. Here’s a detailed look at room sizes and the corresponding air cooler recommendations:

Room Size (sq ft)Ceiling HeightRecommended CFMCooler Type
Up to 1508 feet600-900 CFMPersonal Cooler
150-3008 feet900-1,300 CFMTower Cooler
300-5008 feet1,300-2,000 CFMDesert Cooler
500+8 feet2,000+ CFMLarge Desert Cooler

CFM Calculation: To calculate the CFM needed for your room, use the formula: (RoomLength×RoomWidth×CeilingHeight)/2.

This gives you the volume of air your cooler needs to circulate per minute to efficiently cool the room.

Room Location and Climate

The effectiveness of an air cooler also depends on the room’s location and the local climate. Air coolers work best in dry climates by adding moisture to the air.

If you live in a coastal or humid area, an air cooler with a larger water tank or humidity control might be necessary to maintain comfort.

Location and Climate Considerations

The effectiveness of an air cooler also heavily depends on your location’s climate:

Dry Climates

In dry areas, evaporative air coolers are highly effective. These climates benefit most from desert coolers due to their large water tanks and powerful airflow, which help in adding moisture to the air while cooling large spaces.

Humid Climates

For those in more humid regions, personal or tower coolers with built-in humidity control are preferable. These coolers are designed to cool smaller areas without significantly increasing humidity levels.

Coastal Areas

In coastal areas, consider air coolers with corrosion-resistant bodies and larger water tanks to handle the moist, salty air while providing prolonged cooling without frequent refills.

Types of Air Coolers

Read here for a detailed guide on which type of air cooler will be best suited for your home

Personal Coolers

Ideal for small rooms or specific areas, personal air coolers are compact and easy to move. They are perfect for individual use, such as in a bedroom or home office.

Desert Coolers

Designed for larger spaces, desert coolers have a higher capacity and are typically mounted on windows. They are best suited for dry climates and can cool larger areas effectively.

Tower Coolers

These coolers are a blend of performance and aesthetics, suitable for medium to large rooms. Tower coolers are slim, space-saving, and usually come with more advanced features.

Key Features to Consider

Water Tank Capacity: Larger tanks provide longer cooling periods without the need for refilling. Choose based on the cooler’s intended use duration.

Cooling Pads: The type and thickness of cooling pads can affect cooling efficiency. Honeycomb pads are known for better water absorption and durability.

Airflow Control: Look for coolers that offer adjustable speed settings and directional airflow control for versatility.

Energy Efficiency: Consider the power consumption of the air cooler to ensure it aligns with your energy efficiency goals.

Additional Features: Features like remote control, timer settings, and ice chambers can enhance convenience and cooling performance.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure your air cooler runs efficiently for years to come, regular maintenance is crucial.

Cleaning the water tank, replacing cooling pads when necessary, and keeping the exterior dust-free will prolong the life of your cooler and improve air quality.

Matching Room Size and Climate to Air Cooler Types

Here’s how to match your room’s specifications with the right type of air cooler. We get into the details in this article here: Air Cooler Types in India – Which one to choose?

  • Small Rooms (Up to 150 sq ft) in dry climates: Personal coolers are ideal, offering sufficient cooling without occupying too much space.
  • Medium Rooms (150-300 sq ft) in humid climates: Tower coolers work well, combining efficient cooling with features that help manage humidity.
  • Large Rooms (300-500 sq ft) in dry areas: Desert coolers are the best fit, providing the necessary airflow and humidity to cool large spaces efficiently.
  • Very Large Spaces (500+ sq ft) or outdoor areas in varied climates: Large desert coolers offer the best performance, especially in dry climates, where their high CFM output and large water tanks can maintain comfortable conditions over extended periods.

Tips for Optimal Use

  • Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation in the room for effective cooling, especially with desert coolers.
  • Regular Maintenance: Clean water tanks and replace cooling pads as recommended to maintain cooling efficiency and hygiene.
  • Positioning: Place your air cooler near a window or an open door for the best cooling performance, as it needs fresh air to cool the room effectively.

Air Cooler Selection FAQ

How do I choose an air cooler?

Selecting an air cooler involves considering your room size, local climate, and specific features you need. Calculate the required CFM based on room size, choose a cooler type that suits your climate (dry or humid), and look for features like water tank capacity, energy efficiency, and maintenance requirements.

What specifications should I look for when buying an air cooler?

Key specifications include:

  • CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) for airflow capacity
  • Water tank capacity for duration of cooling without refills
  • Cooling pad type for efficiency and durability
  • Energy efficiency to reduce electricity bills
  • Adjustable speed settings and directional airflow for flexibility

How many Litres air cooler is best?

The ideal water tank size depends on the cooler’s intended use duration and the room size. For personal coolers, 20-30 litres are suitable for small rooms. For larger rooms or overnight use, look for coolers with a capacity of 40 litres or more.

Which cooler is best for home use?

The best cooler depends on your specific needs:

  • Personal coolers for small rooms or targeted cooling
  • Desert coolers for large rooms in dry climates
  • Tower coolers for medium-sized rooms with space constraints

What are the 3 types of cooler?

  • Personal Coolers: Compact and suitable for small spaces.
  • Desert Coolers: Large, for dry climates and big spaces.
  • Tower Coolers: Space-saving, efficient for medium spaces.

Is air cooler better than AC?

Air coolers are more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly than ACs, best for dry climates. ACs provide quicker cooling and humidity control, suitable for all climates but at higher operational costs.

What are the disadvantages of air cooler?

  • Increased humidity in already humid environments
  • Less effective in very humid climates
  • Requires regular maintenance, like cleaning and pad replacement
  • Needs open windows for fresh air, which might let in dust and pollen

Which cooler is better, fan or blower?

Fans are suitable for larger rooms as they move air efficiently over long distances at a lower speed, while blowers, which propel air at high pressure, are better for smaller rooms or for targeted cooling.

Which cooler is best, desert or tower?

Desert coolers are best for large rooms in dry climates due to their high cooling capacity. Tower coolers are ideal for medium-sized rooms or where space is a constraint, offering a balance between performance and aesthetics.

Which company air cooler is better?

The best company depends on your specific needs and budget. Popular brands include Symphony, Bajaj, and Crompton, known for their reliability, efficiency, and range of features.

Which cooler is best for the bedroom?

For bedrooms, personal or tower coolers are preferable. They operate quietly and can be easily adjusted to ensure comfortable sleeping conditions.

How many hours can we use an air cooler?

Air coolers can be used continuously as long as there is water in the tank. However, for optimal performance and energy efficiency, it’s best to use them as needed and perform regular maintenance.

Does air cooler make room cold?

Air coolers reduce room temperature by using the evaporative cooling principle. While they don’t cool as effectively as ACs, especially in humid conditions, they can significantly improve comfort levels in dry climates.


Choosing the right air cooler for your home in India involves understanding your specific needs, considering the size and location of your room, and comparing the types and features of available coolers.

By taking into account these factors, you can select an air cooler that offers the perfect balance of cooling efficiency, energy consumption, and convenience for your home.

Stay cool and enjoy the summer with the ideal air cooler by your side.

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